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Night on the Town (update)
Mon 30 Nov 2015

Ian J. Simpson - The Projector
Film by Ian J. Simpson

The Steampunk Movie Projector.

Edit in Camera and Film to music Compertition
Mon 23 Nov 2015

Ian J. Simpson wins film to music
Jack Gardner judge and Ian J. Simpson

Ian J. Simpson wins the Film-to-a-Record Competition
with 'The Prayer of Eternal Damnation'(filmed at Whitby Goth Festivals).

Gary Goldthorp won the Edit-in-Camera Competition.

The James Bond Talk
Mon 16 Nov 2015

Paul Goodall
Paul Goodall

Give us talk on James Bond, followed by Quiz.

Buy Paul Goodall's book here

Pratical Night
Mon 5 Oct 2015

Phil Wainman

He is in full on acting mode, here and 20GB of footage was filmed that night.

Joe Ogden and Phil Wainman 50/50 Night
Mon 28 Sep 2015

Two films from the night.

John Roberts
Mon 14 Sep 2015

John Roberts
John Roberts film maker and musician

Came from Sheffield to entertains us.

Summer Walks
Mon 10 Aug 2015

Shipley Glen
Andrew Cockerill, Gary Goldthorp and Harry Nicholls

On a very rainy day in August and we are out on the moor above Shipley.
We got about 10 minutes filming done.

Filming the Edit in Camera
Mon 3 August 2015

Sowerby Bridge
The gardens at Sowerby Bridge Railway Station

All the films on the day are made in the camera in 2 hours.
We try to keep them to less than 20 minutes, ha ha.

This years Edit in Camera compertition to be held 23 Nov 2015

Summer Walks
Summer 2015

Round Hay Park
Edmund Davies(left) Keith Wilcock(Middle) and Phil Wainman(right)

A trip out to Round Hay Park, Leeds.
Where Ian J. Simpson found his magical dead tree

The 5 Minutes Competition
Mon 13 July 2015

5min Competition 2015
Jim Walker(left) Phil Wainman and Rob Nicholls(right)

Phil Wainman's film The Tarn WINS this evening's Five Minute Competition.
Judged internally by Jim Walker and Rob Nicholls.

Summer Walks
Summer 2015

Filming at Yeadon Tarn
Harry Nicholls (left), Jim Walker (right)
Keith Wilcock (back Left) and Joe Ogden (back right)

Bradford Movie Makers Members walk around Yeadon Tarn one of their summer walks

Challenge Match With Leeds
Mon 15 June 2015

Bob Rowley at Salts
Bob Rowley and club members at Titus Salts

Bob Rowleyof Mercury Movie Makers, judges Bradford Movie Makers to WIN the
Challenge Match 2-1 against Leeds Movie Makers,
enjoying a drink.

The Film to a Theme Competition
Mon 8 June 2015

Joe wins with bad blood
Joe Ogden (right) with Roy Vickers

Joe Ogden wins the 2015 Film to a Theme 'Menace!' competition with his 25 minute horror/police Drama
Bad Blood - the Beat. Judged by Roy Vickers from Mercury Movie Makers.

The Golden Turkey Award
Mon 27 Apr 2015

Colin Wins the Golden Turkey
Colin Egglestone (middle), with Judges Judith Simpson & Harry Nicholls

Tonight we had this years Golden Turkey Award and the winner was Colin Egglestone with film 'Wings in the Wood'. It's a charming film about a young Brother and Sister, who go in to the woods looking for Fairies and eventually see them near the end of the film, although the audience get to see them all the way through.

So, what is the Golden Turkey Award? Well, it's been wrongly called an award for the Worst Film, but is actually an award for a film which has failed in some way. Still confused? Here's an example. Let's say you made a film that was well directed and acted, but had a terrible script, or maybe it was a good script but the actors where stiffer than hard board. Maybe it was a film about an escaped Guerilla, but you could actually see the zip on the Guerilla costume. It's fair to say, this is one of our less serious competitions and something which gives us a chance to poke fun at our own work.

So, why did Wings in the Wood win the Golden Turkey. Well, it was a lovely little film which had some really nice imaginary of two children playing in a woodland full of Faeries, but as is often the case, child actors tend not to be the best of actors, with dialogue often shouted out with more enthusiasm than skill. On top of that, it was shot and edited on Super VHS so has that old colour bleed analogue look to it.

Our judges were Judith Simpson and Harry Nicholls who both thought it was a really sweet and enjoyable film despite it's faults. The Children in the film are Colin's grandchildren, who are now both in their twenties, so the film has become a really nice memento of their childhood.

Annual Dinner and Awards
Monday 13 April 2015

Harry Wins Best None Fiction

It's hard to believe that's it's a full year since the last the annual dinner, but here it is again, all read! More importantly though, this is when we get the results and awards for the years Annual Film Competition. Meeting at the usual Sir Titus Salts Pub in Bradford, our members enjoyed socialising over a relaxing meal, before our Judges Trevor and Joan Spencer announced the results. So, here are the results;

Annual Awards

Best Female Actor - Tina Watkin - The Haunted Turnip
Best Male Actor - Tim Scragg - Identity
Best Cinematography - Harry Nicholls - Happy Holiday
Best Editing - Harry Nicholls - Happy Holiday
Best Visual Effects - Phil Wainman - The Haunted Turnip
Best Sound - Phil Wainman - Paranormal Joe n' Phil
Best Script - Jim Walker - Identity
Best None Fiction Film - Harry Nicholls - Happy Holiday
Film of the Year - Jim Walker - Identity

Awards for other Competitions

Holiday Film - Ian J. Simpson - Blists Hill Victorian Town
Themed Film: Time - Ian J. Simpson - Time Flies
Edit in Camera - Ian J. Simpson - Otley Investigation
Five Minute Film - Colin & Ian Egglestone - Blackpool Air Show
Ten Minute Film - Joe Ogden - Brighton, Life Goes On
Film to a Record - Harry Nicholls - Singing in the Rain

The 2015 Public Show
Monday 30 March 2015

Well, it's that time of the year again, where we invite members of the public and members of other clubs to spend an evening with us, watching a showcase of our films. The evening was a success and here is a list of the films shown and there Producers / Writers.

Blackpool Air Show - Colin Egglestone

Singing in the Rain - Harry Nicholls

Time & Pace - Phil Wainman

The Interview - David Lockhart

Brighton Life Goes On - Joe Ogden

Brighouse 40's Weekend - Joe Ogden

Paranormal Joe n' Phil - Phil Wainman

Happy Holiday - Harry Nicholls

Holiday Film Competition
Monday 16 March 2015

Today we had our 2015 Holiday Film Competition and our judge was Jack Gardner from the Wakefield Movie Makers. It was an entertaining evening of Holiday themed films and the winner was Ian Simpson with his film Blists Hill Victorian Town. We would like to thank Jack for coming all the way over from Wakefield to judge and for his comments and feedback.

Jim Walker wins UNICA Gold Medal
16th & 17th January 2015

Jim Walker, UNICA Gold Medal

Bradford Movie Maker's very own Jim Walker, has this year won the UNICA Gold Medal, whilst attending the Eulenspiegelien Film Festival in Berlin. He won it with his entry 'CheapAir Flight 101', which in 2014 had also won a Gold Award at the Festival of Nations in Austria.

So, what is UNICA? Well, it's the Union Internationale du Cinéma, and it's purpose is to promote video and filmmaking as a means of international communication, as well as supporting international cultural cooperation and freedom of expression. Every year, they are involved with many different independent film festivals around the world and every year, award a gold medal to the film that they feel best promotes solidarity between the nations. So, well done to Jim for that.

UNICAs web site - (Website no longer available)
