Trivention with Mercury
Monday 23 July 2018
Tonight was the Trivention competition with Mercury Movie Makers at home. Five members of Mercury came, which was really nice and our Judge was Ken Wilson. The way Trivention competitions work is you have three categories, documentary, holiday film and free choice. After each category the judge decides which club has the better film and awards them a point. By the tea break, Bradford had won the Documentary category and Mercury had won the Holiday film. This meant that whoever had the best film in the free choice would be the winner. Anyway, both clubs had Fiction films for there free choice and Bradford Won!! Nice, because we have lost against Mercury the last two times we've been in competition with them. Ken our Judge said that it had been a tough decision as all the films were of a very high standard (which they were).
Unfortunately, it was the hottest night of the year. Because the auditorium is in the upstairs of the club and only has one roof air vent and one window in the kitchen, keeping cool is near impossible in a heat wave. Never-the-less, everyone survived, it was good to see old friends and night was a success. Many thanks to the members of Mercury for coming and to our Judge Ken Wilson, who it's always a pleasure to see.

Esholt Walk
Monday 18 June 2018
Well, today was the first of our summer walks. Originally, it was planned to be a tour of the Esholt Sewage Works, but after been unable to contact someone who could arrange this, we opted to visit Esholt Village instead. It's possible that these tours are no longer available, although we haven't been able to confirm this one way or the other.
We started off by meeting at the Woolpack Pub, which used to be the pub in the TV program Emmerdale (Farm). Even though Emmerdale still has the Woolpack pub in it's episodes, the interiors are now shot in a studio.
The weather was nice and warm, despite being extremely windy at the time. We had a few drinks, wandered round filming for a while and went back and had a few more drinks. A pretty good start to this years summer walks.
Syllabus Meeting
Monday 11 June 2018
So tonight we had another meeting, this time to discuss the Syllabus covering the next twelve months at the club. Joe Ogden, our Syllabus Secretary had previously drawn up a rough draft syllabus and asked members if they had anything they would like to add. Ian Simpson, our Competitions Secretary suggested changes of dates to work around competitions and the availability of judges. Phil Wainman promised to update the Syllabus section of the website, once the updated syllabus had been sent to him.
Also, Judith and Ian Simpson showed the rough edit of their Synthetic Fibres documentary, which was met with a positive response.
Summer walks & voice over.
Monday 4 June 2018.
So, this week we discussed our Summer Walks and where to go. Eventually it was decided we should go to Halifax Piece Hall and surrounding areas, the Trans Pennine Run, Lytham St Annes (maybe overnight) and a tour of Esholt Sewage Works.... Yes really, apparently you can have a tour of the sewage works and it's quite interesting. Of course, as film makers, we aim to film the places we go and then show our films at the club during the winter months.
Whilst this meeting was going on upstairs, Ian and Judith Simpson were downstairs, recording Ian Ecclestone doing a voice over for a documentary they are working on.
President's Night
Monday 21 May 2018
So, tonight was President's Night, usually know as retiring President's Night, except on this occasion our current President Edmund Davies has been given the go ahead to stay on for another year. Edmund made this request at last weeks AGM and our members unanimously voted in favour of the motion. The celebrate his first year as President, Dave Marshall served Pie and Peas and we watched an episode of the ITV Drama Cold Blood, in which Edmund had had one of the leading roles.